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Category: Hail Damage Car Blog

We’re here to help you learn how to get the best auto hail damage repair.
Because let’s face it, we can’t live without our cars (not easily at least).

Before and after repair

Car Hail Damage Repair Cost [With Real Examples]

Hailstorms can be quite frustrating, and the car hail damage repair cost tends to be shocking to some who aren’t fully aware of it. Below we’ll take a closer inspection at the various types of damage that hail can cause on your auto and what kind of pricing we’re looking at to get it repaired. Having over 20 years in assessing and repairing hail damage, we feel it may be enough to have seen it all. While hail damage can tend to be quite extensive, we work with something known as paintless dent repair to help manage the costs and price at a per dent model where applicable. Jump to: -> What are some of the factors that truly affect the cost of hail damage? -> Hailstone Damage and Paintless Dent Removal -> Car Year and Car Model -> Insurance Cover -> An Example of Auto Hail Damage Repair Cost -> Light Hail Damage Example -> Severe Hail Damage Example Cased by Golf Ball Hailstones -> Aluminum Panel Hail Repair Cost Example What are some of the factors that truly affect the car hail damage repair cost ? You might ask yourself, is hail damage a big deal? The short answer is yes. You should never underestimate the extent of your car’s damage or be swayed by random myths about hail damage. Hailstone Damage and Paintless Dent Removal The extent of the damage is typically determined by the number of hail dents and the size of the dents themselves. Then it depends on what option you use to fix those dents. Paintless dent repair (PDR), which is around $75-$200 per dent, is a more cost-effective option for dent removal.  Car Year and Car Model Then the car year and make/model also factor into the cost of repairs. The newer your car, the bigger the chance your insurance will cover repairs. Yet the more high-end a car is, the higher the chance it’s made from an aluminum frame, making it harder to repair and costing more. In addition, older models tend to get totaled by hail due to not retaining enough value compared to the cost to repair them unless they are a vintage car or other types of collectibles. Insurance Cover Finally, how much you will pay comes down to your car insurance. As long as you have comprehensive coverage, your insurance provider can cover the repair service’s cost. But often, the insurance claims and the repair costs are not aligned – we have a detailed article to explain why this happens. In most cases, it’s more important than ever to work with a specialty repair shop (than a regular body shop) that can help you file for a supplemental claim to cover all the dent repair cost. Check out a great insurance guide here. You may be worried about your insurance premiums going up, but they won’t, as it’s considered an act of nature outside of your control. The only cost you may have upfront is your deductible, which needs to be covered before insurance kicks in. However, at StormWise, we often help pay for our customers’ deductible when their insurance coverage is enough for hail dent repair. If you work with us, feel free to ask your customer representative how this works with your insurance company. An Example of Auto Hail Damage Repair Cost When we provide an estimate for automotive hail damage repair, we first consider these three major factors. The first is the number of car dents that have occurred. Then it’s about the size of the dents (they are sized into dimes/nickels/quarters and half dollars, and lastly, it’s where the dents occurred. This builds out a matrix where the number of dents x size x location of dents is the formula to assess the cost of repairing your car. Light Hail Damage – from $4,000 to $10,000 We call it “light hail damage” when a vehicle has small dents only. This type of damage doesn’t affect a car’s function and is considered cosmetic damage. Most of the time a car has more than 100 dents on different panels and on the roof. It’s not always easy to see these dents. Remember that these should be repaired immediately as the dents can get worse over time and will be more expensive if you get into an accident.  We have an article about why car dents should be fixed ASAP.  When it comes to the repair cost, even for a light repair example, let’s say every panel gets hit by 10 nickel-sized hail pieces. This will likely cost anywhere from $4,000 to $10,000 in repair on average. Severe Hail Damage (Example Caused by Golf Ball Hailstones) – over $8,000 A more severe example will be larger hailstones that not only cause large dents but damage the car functionality by crashing through the windows and breaking headlights and taillights.  This goes beyond paintless dent repair and may require paint repair, panel replacement and windshield replacement, etc.. This will still incur hundreds of various-sized dents, and the pricing is often over $8,000. Repainting a panel and partial replacement often adds up to the repair time.  If your car has severe hail damage, it’s important that either your insurance or the hail repair shop can provide you a rental car for free. Aluminum Panel Hail Repair – from $7,500 to $10,000 If your vehicle is made from aluminum, you’re looking at a premium of about 25% extra – making any examples above $7,500 or $10,000, respectively.  Then, add into the mix the cost of labor and sales tax, your average cost is going to be at least $8,000 – $9,000. In the end You can get a rough estimate of dent repair cost when you visit our site. Either filling out an estimate form or use the hail damage repair cost calculator.  As always we recommend taking clear pictures of the damage and getting an estimate for repair as soon as possible. If your insurance policy has comprehensive coverage,

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car for sale

Buying a Car with Hail Damage: How to Negotiate and What to Know

You may have seen headlines about second-hand cars selling at the highest prices because of the chip shortage and COVID impact on car manufacturers.  This is still mostly true and the inflated price is also seen on cars with non-perfect conditions, including hail damage. While these cars also seem like a steal, with much cheaper price tags, you should be aware that hail damage cars can have a significant impact on their value.  Here are some tips for negotiating and knowing what you’re getting into before buying a car with hail damage – whether from a dealer or a private seller. Jump to: How Much Can Hail Devalue A Car? What Makes Hail Damage Different For Car Sales? Why Do Dealers Sell Hail Damaged Cars? Why Do Private Sellers Sell Hail Damaged Cars? How To Negotiate For A Hail Sale Deal? Is Hail Sale A Deal or A Nightmare? How Much Can Hail Devalue A Car? Repairing hail-damaged cars can be quite costly. The average cost for auto repairs is $6,500 (After more than two decades fixing vehicles struck by hail storms we know)! This is likely at least the cost you should consider adding up to the hail damaged car you are about to purchase. If you Google the average hail damage car repair cost, you will see a much lower price of $2,500. Trust us, that is not true.  Even though sometimes, a hail damage repair job can be that low, most cars end up costing a lot more. The north side of the cost can be as high as $20,000, with most being closer to five to eight thousand dollars for cosmetic damage in good condition without any hidden issues like rust or damaged paint. The price tag on your vehicle’s hail repair may vary depending upon factors such as what kind of car you drive and how much damage it has. We have an in-depth article about the true cost of hail damaged cars here. What Makes Hail Damage Different For Car Sales? Hail damage to cars is unique in the following ways: Sellers Don’t Have To Disclose Hail Damage on Car Reports Unlike collision damages, sellers and dealers don’t have to disclose previous car hail damage, because it is not required to report hail damage.  This makes it tricky for buyers shopping online, because hail dents are hard to spot without the perfect light condition, and they are even more difficult to notice on videos and photos. If you can tell hail dents on a picture, know that it is much worse when you see it in person. Sometimes, dealers will fix the obvious dents and put up the car for sale. If you don’t know how to examine cars for hidden damage like small dents, you may be paying too much for what the car is really worth. Cosmetic Damage Doesn’t Affect Car Functions or Safety The most common type of hail damage is car dents. Even when a car’s windshield cracks in a hail storm, the car isn’t considered too dangerous to drive. If you are on a budget and don’t care about the car’s appearance, hail damaged vehicles can be an excellent choice. You can save a lot of money and drive the car for years without fixing it. Why Do Dealers Sell Hail Damaged Cars? Whether a dealer sells hail damaged cars is a business decision. It comes down to the three things below: How much does the damage cost? How much does insurance cover? How much can the car be sold for? If the insurance coverage and the damage repair significantly increases the sales value, the dealers will fix the cars and not sell them with hail damage. If the repair cost doesn’t increase the resale value, dealers may sell the damaged cars for a discounted rate and have the new owner deal with the repair. Hail damage can cause a car’s exterior to be riddled with dents, but it doesn’t have any effect on its internal components or functionality. The only thing that might matter is whether or not these cosmetic issues can be repaired by paintless dent repair.  Paintless dent repair maintains the car value. It massages the dents out without damaging the paint, so the car’s manufacturing paint warranty is intact and the cars are like brand new again.  Why Do Private Sellers Sell Hail Damaged Cars? When a car is damaged by hail, it can be hard for people to decide what they should do. While this can still be a business decision, many people end up selling hail damaged cars because they don’t have the money to repair the damage, or they want to keep the insurance payout and not bother with the repair. How To Negotiate For A Hail Sale Deal? Now you know why people will sell a hail damaged car: because they feel like repairing the damage will cost the same as or more than their profit margin on selling the vehicle after repairs.  This does not mean that buying a hail damaged car is a bad option, but you should know what is the price worth paying for. To negotiate for a fair price, we recommend customers understand the following factors. Once you have answers to these four questions, you can add up the cost (two to four) and negotiate for a better pricing. 1. How much is the car worth without the hail damage? If the hail damaged car was brand new at a dealer’s place, most of the time, the dealer would fix the hail damage because it’s often worth it. So check the manufacturer’s website for the new car price so you know how much it used to be. The value of a used car can change greatly depending on factors like the year, model and condition. It’s important to use an accurate price guide so you know what your options are in advance!  You can find out about a used car’s average resale value using Kelley

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how to fix hail damage on car

How To Fix Hail Damage on Car 

Hail storms are a regular occurrence in Colorado, Texas, and several other states each year. If you live in an area that commonly experiences hail or heavy storms, then knowing your repair options can help you gain peace of mind if your preventative measures miss their mark. We all cherish our cars, but they can be costly to repair if the damage is extensive. Fortunately for you—and your wallet—there are some great resources available! Whether your car is new, has been owned for several years, or is a long-time companion, it is peace of mind knowing how to get it fixed when your car gets hail damage – especially knowing that would save you thousands of dollars. In this guide, we’ll cover how to fix hail damage on car, including DIY methods and professional repair options. Jump To: How To Fix Hail Damage On Car DIY Hail Damage Repair – Is It An Option? What Is Conventional Dent Repair? What Is Paintless Dent Repair? Conventional Dent Repair VS. Paintless Dent Repair Where To Get Professional Hail Damage Repair Cities And Areas That We Service   How To Fix Hail Damage On Car There are various ways to address hail damage but before we get into that, you should first check if you fit into the following four situations. If you do, you should stop reading and get in touch with StormWise or another professional repair shop: 1. If you have comprehensive insurance coverage – your insurance will cover the repair and we will help pay your deductible. So get your hail damage repaired for free. 2. If you have a new car – don’t devalue your car further. Let the professional handle the fix and maintain your car’s factory paint warranty. 3. If you have a lease on your car – it’s your responsibility to fix hail damage. Good news is most leasers require you to carry comprehensive coverage, so the repair work is likely covered by insurance already. 4. If your car has aluminum panel – aluminum panel is tricky for PDR even for professionals. Trust us that it’s best you don’t attempt this yourself. Plus the tools referenced below are for steel panels only. If you use them, you’ll risk cross-contamination, which will cause rust and create more damage. DIY Hail Damage Repair – Is It An Option?   It’s natural to consider DIY options when you try to save money or you think the damage isn’t that severe, but it isn’t easy or effective in the majority of cases related to hail damage to a car. If you look up how to fix hail damage on car, there will likely be an array of suggestions, from compressed air to dry ice treatment, to parking the car in the sun so the heat will pop your dent. 😅 Don’t we all wish dent repair is that simple? Unfortunately, these all fail to deliver the results you need. Trust us because we’ve done our research and have an article detailing the results using all sorts of DIY methods to fix hail dents. What’s worse, most of these solutions can actually damage the paint and result in more damages that you’ll have to pay to fix. However, if you are certain to try the DIY methods, at least get some good PDR (paintless dent repair) tools to do it right. We’re going to teach you everything a PDR beginner should know. Again, we do NOT recommend DIY hail repair. However, we also don’t think the resources out there are helpful for someone that is determined to try fixing their car dents. So here are what you need: 1. Get some professional tools: These two PDR DIY kits have come a long way: WHDZ Paintless Dent Repair Rods Tool: [Product Link] AUTOPDR Paintless Dent Removal Tool Kit: [Product Link] Also, get an LED light with panel strip lines because hail dents are difficult to spot under natural/ceiling light: [Product Link] 2. Sign up and watch the training course: online videos are not best for PDR, but this one below is realistic and detailed so at least you will know all the important factors and try avoiding obvious mistakes: Real-World PDR: 3. Practice on something else before doing it on your car: We know you just want to fix your car, but practicing on a separate panel is highly recommended. Just search on Craiglist to get a cheap car panel to do some practice. 4. Be patient and follow the training instructions. We really hope we can tell you what to do to pull these dents, but unless we see them, we won’t be able to. Alternatively, finding the right professionals ASAP is the best way to minimize damages and save on repair costs. Depending on your vehicle and the extent of hail damage, there are two primary methods of professional repair methods: conventional dent repair and paintless dent repair (PDR). What Is Conventional Dent Repair? Conventional dent repair (or traditional dent repair) involves sanding and grinding paint off of a dented area, and then pounding metal back into its former position. The areas left are filled with putty to create an even surface, and then the specialist sands, primes, and repaints the vehicle. What Is Paintless Dent Repair? As the name suggests, paintless dent repair removes dents without touching/fixing the paint. This method involves working on the opposite side of the dent to massage the metal back to its original shape because metal has a “memory” of how it used to be. Conventional Dent Repair VS. Paintless Dent Repair See the differences between the two repair methods:   Conventional dent repair Paintless dent repair Can it fix small dents? (less than a few inches) Yes Yes Can it fix large dents? (balloon size dents) Yes Maybe Can it fix sharp dents? Yes No Can it fix dents with paint damage around it? Yes No Days to fix one dent 1 to 4 weeks a few minutes to a few

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hail damage car

11 Hail Damage Car Myths Explained

Updated on 9/7/2022 When the sky opens up, and hail begins to fall, you may be fascinated by the spectacle. You may not think much about what these small balls of ice can do to your assets, including your car. Yet, car owners need to recognize just how impactful that short hailstorm can be when it comes to hail damage car. The damage itself can be worrisome, especially if you have a high-valued or new vehicle you hope to protect. That’s why we’re sharing these 11 hail damage car myths — to help you understand what is and isn’t true, and what you should really be doing to get the best outcome for your car. –> Myth 1: Pea Sized Hail Is Not a Big Deal –> Myth 2: Minor Hail Dents Are Cheap to Fix –> Myth 3: Severe Car Hail Damage Is Too Expensive to Repair –> Myth 4: Severe Hail Damage Car Repair Will Take a Long Time –> Myth 5: All Damage from Hail Is the Same –> Myth 6: Body Shop vs Specialty Shop Is All the Same –> Myth 7: Hail Repair Is the Same Everywhere –> Myth 8: I Can Barely See the Hail Damage. Therefore I Don’t Need To Fix It –> Myth 9: Insurance Will Increase If I File a Hail Damage Car Claim –> Myth 10: Calling an Insurance Company Right Away –> Myth 11: Buying a Car with Hail Damage Is a Good Deal Myth 1: Is Pea Sized Hail Not A Big Deal? Wrong. Pea-size hail is quite small, often hard to see. From far away it looks like heavy raindrops. However, small bits of hail like this often travel at a very high speed as it strikes your car. When this happens for even a few minutes, it can cause hundreds of small dents on the car’s surface. When you are driving your car and pea-sized hail strikes, the car’s movement only compounds the damage, making it even worse. Learn more about minor hail damage. Myth 2: Are Minor Hail Dents Cheap To Fix? It is true that hail may not create a large amount of damage to a vehicle. However, it can be very costly to repair minor hail dents because there are usually hundreds of dents. The actual cost you can expect also depends on multiple factors, including the type of car, like the material for the panel and the car make and model. Nowadays, many luxury cars and high-end models use aluminum for the panel because it’s lightweight and is beneficial to keep the car fuel-efficient. But dents on an aluminum panel are tricky to fix and cost a lot more than repair on a steel panel. To learn more about hail damage car repair costs: Why are Hail-Damaged Cars So Expensive to Fix? To read more about the associated costs to fix aluminum panel damage: Why Aluminum Is A Tricky Material For Dent Repair? Myth 3: Is Severe Car Hail Damage Too Expensive To Repair? Not necessarily. If your car has sustained severe damage from a hailstorm, it’s pretty logical to assume that these damages will be too expensive to fix.  The good news is not necessarily! Comprehensive auto insurance will pay for repairs or if the damage from the storm is deemed severe, the insurance company will total the car and provide financial assistance to purchase a new vehicle. That means there’s no reason not to seek out repairs. To learn more about the severe hail damage car: Austin Hailstorm Cracked Windshields, What To Do? Post-Massive Austin Hail Storm FAQs Myth 4: Will Severe Hail Damage Car Repair Take A Long Time? Severe hail damage car can be extensive, but that doesn’t mean that damage has to take months to complete.  It is true that many car owners had to wait months for a repair to take place and then another month or two for it to finish. But that’s usually the case with auto body shops and insurance pre-approved shops that don’t have enough technicians during a storm peak season. If you choose to work with an auto hail repair specialty shop it typically ensures you can get the work completed much sooner. The repair shop will determine the best method for repairing your vehicle depending on the extent of the damage. The industry-standard repair method for hail damage car is paintless dent repair (PDR). Sometimes your vehicle may also need paint repair and part replacement. If PDR is an acceptable option for your vehicle, it doesn’t take too long. Replacement parts and paint repair may take several weeks. Also, note that your insurance company can slow things down as they process the claim. To learn more about the repair time-related to hail damage: we are working on an article about factors that affect repair time of fixing hail damage on cars. Check back in a few weeks for details. Myth 5: Is All Damage From Hail The Same? Another myth is that all types of hail damage are the same. That is not the case. There are four primary types of damage. Dents are the most common type of hail damage regardless of the severity of a storm. The size and depth of the damage depend on the size and force that the hailstone was traveling at impact. Other types of hail damage car include paint damage, cracked glass, mirror damage, etc.  To learn more about the different types of hail damage car: What Does Hail Damage Look Like On A Car? Myth 6: Is Body Shop Vs Specialty Shop All The Same? There are a lot of body shops out there that will do hail damage car repair. However, these are often the most frustrating of locations to visit for this type of work. When a storm strikes, almost all body shops are fully booked and will take weeks if not months to take on new cars. A specialty shop is going to have a better ability to

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taking photos for insurance hail claim

Taking Pictures For Insurance Claims In The Age Of COVID-19 – 5 Tips to Solve Hard To See Hail Damage On Car

We get it…it’s SO frustrating. You have had a hail repair specialist look at your car, and they’re saying you’re looking at $7,000 to $8,000 in damage. You then send the photos to your insurance adjuster, but their estimate comes in at $980. “What the heck?” you’re thinking. “How am I going to get this thing fixed?” We hear it all the time. What’s causing this is the fact that hail damage on cars is difficult to see, whether in person or via photos/virtual meetings. So how do you actually solve hard to see hail damage on car? Jump To: -> What to Know About Car Insurance Photo Inspection -> How to Take Pictures to Show Hard-to-See Hail Damage on Cars Hail damage—like any other type of car damage—must be fixed ASAP, especially since it can further devalue your car if it’s not repaired for a while.  However, if it’s hard to see the hail damage on your car, how can you know exactly how much it will cost to repair it?  In this article, we’ll show you how, and it starts with the changes in insurance inspection that often asks for photos to provide an estimate of the damage. What to Know About Car Insurance Photo Inspection A crucial requirement involved in fixing different types of hail damage—including collision, paint, and other serious forms of car damage—is having a clear picture of the situation. Even though you may only be dealing with minor hail damage, it still needs to be assessed properly to ensure an accurate estimate of repair costs and time. Since the pandemic, though, adjusters now rarely come out to do hail repair estimates at your home or office as they used to in years past. If you’ve recently filed a claim for one of the many hail storms in Colorado Springs, Greeley, etc. last  year, you’ve probably heard an adjuster ask you to “send photos.” We are getting tons of calls from frustrated customers wondering if their insurance adjuster will be able to see the hail damage in photos, especially if there are a ton of hard-to-see dents to assess. They’re also asking what to do when the estimate comes in REALLY low. When it comes to a car insurance photo inspection, it’s really difficult for adjusters to see the hail damage in most photos. But the good news is that if the estimate comes in crazy low, we simply send what’s called a “supplemental estimate” (aka supplement) up to the adjuster, which outlines all the damage he/she missed on the initial estimate. It was already an extremely common thing before this year, but the fact that adjusters simply aren’t going out to look at hail-damaged cars in person has made supplements even more prevalent today. However, there are things you can do to take better pictures that help adjusters spot hard to see hail damage on your car! Below are some of our tips and tricks on taking pictures for insurance claims to get an accurate estimate of hail damage, even on the hard-to-see dents: How to Take Pictures to Show Hard-to-See Hail Damage on Cars: Tip #1: Point to the Damage This is a straightforward way to show the adjuster exactly what you’re looking at in-person. Sometimes, people take a photo and think the adjuster will just “know” what it is they’re looking at—more often than not, that’s NOT the case. Tip #2 Photograph Broken or Dented Parts, Before You Replace Them This seems like a no-brainer, but definitely take photos of broken or dented parts before replacement or repair is done. Sometimes, people need to replace broken parts to make the car drivable, like the tail lights or windshield. If you have to replace these items BEFORE you get a photo-based estimate from your insurance, ensure you have pictures of the broken parts in the car showing damage! Also, be sure you save any receipts for items you purchase, as you can be reimbursed for those items. Your insurance might say something like, “well, your deductible is $500, and since the windshield is $450, we are just going to count that toward the expense of the deductible.” Here’s the thing about that. StormWise can waive a deductible*. So what does that mean to the purchased items that your insurance said would go towards your deductible? Save your receipts, and StormWise will reimburse you for the cost you’ve already put into repairing the broken parts. So, in this case, the insurance estimate will include the $450 it costs to replace that windshield, which means StormWise will receive payment for it. That’s how we can reimburse you directly from the insurance proceeds for your out-of-pocket cost to make the car drivable. Tip #3: Use the Proper Angles This is one that most people won’t know because it’s not super intuitive. Basically, you can’t look directly down at the panel – the dents will be washed out, and you won’t be able to see very many of them. When you look at the dent head-on and take a photo of it, you can’t get an idea of its true size. You have to be looking perpendicular to the panel: For example, kneel down when taking pictures of the hood. Look down the side of the door to see damage on the door panels. And don’t forget to point to the damage (without covering the dent with your finger) when taking photos. Tip #4: Use Indirect Lighting The sun isn’t always your best friend when it comes to revealing hard to see hail damage on car. In most cases, it really is better to use another light source. When your hail damage is fixed using paintless dent repair, you’ll see that the technicians use specialized lighting to see the true size and depth of the dent. You’ll also notice that they are usually working in a garage that doesn’t have a ton of other natural light shining through. Because bright sunlight will wash out the full

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